Five Free Communication Apps

Communication is a two-way process. One speaks, the other listens. One writes, the other reads. One composes, the other takes it all in.

The following apps can help you with your communication goals. Because Facebook and Twitter are already widely known, this list doesn’t mention them.

1. WordPress: lets you publish posts and pages on the go.

2. FeedlerRSS: lets you subscribe to your favorite feeds. Ask your constituents if they have a blog and subscribe to their posts as a way to connect with them.

3. Google+: similar to Facebook, this app lets you publish pictures and text to your timeline.

4. Photoshop Express: provides a great image editing tool.

5. Facebook Messenger: different than the regular Facebook app, messenger is a simple app letting you send short messages to your Facebook friends.

If your organization needs help with their strategic communications, we are happy to help. To get started, ask for your free quote today.