Graphic Design 201: Contrast

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of contrast in graphic design. This post will provide some specific examples of how contrast can help improve your website. Although not exhaustive, the following suggestions will help you see the importance of leveraging contrast in your graphic design.

In her book, The Non-Designer’s Design Book, Robin Williams discusses the importance of contrast. Contrast can be the size of your magazine’s header font. Or it can be the color of your page’s background. The idea is to create a noticeable difference between two elements so that each element stands out from the other.

Header Font Size

When choosing a header font size, don’t go wimpy. Choose a font size that is big and bold. Let your creativity run wild and choose a size that will provide enough contrast between the header and the paragraph text.

Homepage Rotator Background Color

If your website has a rotator with a background color, make the color dark enough so that the images that scroll through your rotator pop. Choose a color that will give your images enough of a contrast against their background. Once again, don’t go wimpy on us.


Since your footer contains information that is separate from the main body of your website, make your footer stand out. Whether you want to give it a darker color or header rule, make sure that the contrast between your footer and body proves strong enough so that people can tell the difference between them. Don’t go wimpy!

Contrast is very important in graphic design. It helps separate two elements from each other. And it is very important to your website’s aesthetic appeal. Look for ways to incorporate contrast in your website’s design. We have listed three ideas above to help you get started. And remember, don’t go wimpy on us!